
Hari ini... Sabtu, 20 Juni 2010..
MaLem minggu... Seperti biasa, kumpuL bareng temen2...
Tapii hari ini saya beLajar haL baru...
Sampe detik ini, saya memang beLum banyak ngerti arti persahabatan dan seperti apa sahabat yang benar2 baik itu...
Tapi seLama saya temenan sama mereka, saya hanya mencoba buat seLaLu menganggap mereka adaLah yg terbaik yg Tuhan berikan..
Setiap saya kumpuL sama mereka, pasti ada 1 atau 2 peLajaran atau haL abru yg saya peLajari...Dan hari ini, saya belajar haL baru...

Bahwa sekaLinya kita pernah bersahabat sama seseorang, sekaLipun udah ga ketemu Lama, bakaL tetep nyambung waktu ketemu...

Saya mencoba memahami beberapa quotes... Saya mengerti "teori2" persahabatan yang banyak dituLis di sana sini.. Tapiii saya pengen bener2 mengaLaminya...
Ini beberapa quotes yg saya suka...

"Friends are Like waLLs...Sometimes you Lean on them but sometimes it's just enough to know they're there..."

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.."
(dan saya sudah mengaLami ini...buat Windy, Sepin dan sebentar lagi Sapie..)

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them..."
(haha...saya suka yg ini.. Ini buat Pia khususnya...)

"Without Humor, Life sucks...

Without courage, Life is hard... Without Love, Life is hopeLess.. Without friendship, Life is impossibLe.." ( ini gaya sumpah..)

"A friend is someone who u can be alone with and have nothing to do and be abLe to think anything to say and be comfortabLe in the silence.." (haha...ini buat Marin...)

"A reaL friend is someone who u can share your bed with..." (Mamooo... ahahhaaa...)

Pokonya i reaLLy Love aLL of my best friends... and for the last..

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

A speciaL friend Like aLL of u, aLways have a speciaL pLace in my heart...

Ini bLog saya persembahkan kusus buat aLL of my best friend that have given coLours in my Life...


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